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  • Writer's pictureN.A.S Experience

Deerhurst Deerhurst deerhurst

The last time I wrote it was to express the need for date nights. I think I got my point across as well as inspired one or two people to leave the kids at Grandma’s and get the hell out. Two relationships that require work is with yourself and with your good friends. One way to do that is to get away and take that friend with you. Another relationship that requires a little work and effort is that with your friends; you know the people that have your back in crises and who tell you you’re not crazy when you’re pretty sure you’re losing it. Those people, you remember them? They need some attention and not just to satisfy them but more of a chance for you to escape your everyday privileged drama. Who am I to say privilege; nobody. But trust me when I say some times I hear my complaints out loud and realize that all I’m doing is complaining. Sometimes there is an overwhelming feeling to readjust, refocus and regroup; that’s just what I did a few weeks ago.

For years I’ve been telling myself that I need to get out there and experience Ontario the way my fellow Ontarian's do. Growing up as part of a West Indian family there weren’t too many trips to the cottage, or explorations into north Ontario. We never went to Sudbury or past Stouffville for that matter. Ok maybe Wasaga for a family picnic or two but that was it. I did go to Trenton for fishing and Montreal to visit family but never to anywhere fancy like Mont Tremblant for skiing or anything cool enough to mention.

In the last few years I have been exposed to a variety of different groups via committees, volunteering and working with other entrepreneurs. I’ve benefited from a wide array of conversations; some to enlighten, some to balance and some to inspire. Through these conversations, especially with my Canadian brethren I realized that I had been missing out and had become the true definition of an urbanite. It’s not that I’m a recluse and live a life of regret with no true excitement, it’s just I wasn’t providing myself with the best chance to live my best life by exploring all that surrounded me.

So what did I do you ask? Well I got to visit my favourite place in Muskoka. Alright let’s be real and acknowledge it’s the only place I know in Muskoka. Before three years ago I thought it was a cool name for beer and a place for pro skiers.

This trip was my third time down to Deerhurst not bad for a shut in who had become an urbanite. My friend and I were invited to meet up with another group of friends to celebrate a 40th birthday. We were scheduled to arrive the Saturday but decided to go up a day early. We got the car packed, gassed and primed to start the trek down Lake Ridge. The weather wasn’t too bad, and aside from semi white knuckling it while driving up some dark snow covered roads to get to Highway 11, the drive was fairly calm and relaxing.

The drive up was nothing more than random thoughts, queries and observations. It was a non scripted episode of Seinfeld amongst old friends, nothing of real importance but so very important. Sometimes you just need to vent, share, and breathe. That’s exactly what that drive was and I can foreshadow and tell you that we did a bunch of other stuff but the drive itself was worth the trip.

Pulling up to the front was just like I remembered, the most picturesque winter setting, mimicking every romantic comedy that ever took place in a winter wonderland. The fire pit in the front, the smell of cedar wood burning, ah it was good to be back.

We arrived in time to meet up with our friends who were already half way through a few bottles and enjoying their planned Friday activities. We were hijackers on their event and ascended on the scene in time to crash the condo party.

The next morning we woke up to the snow covered wonderland and took in some fresh air. We spoke to a group of guys next door who were about to head out on 6 days snow mobile trek through the woods of Ontario. Who does that? These guys do. Apparently they were from Thunder Bay and these are just some of things people from Thunder Bay do. As beautiful as Muskoka is I’m not sure that I want to spend my days travelling through the woods in minus 20 degree weather. So, I wished them luck while shaking my head to reflect the craziness that they just shared and went down to the eclipse restaurant for breakfast.

I can basically summarize the trip as this; we started off with some enlightenment, then off to a pretty standard but well stocked buffet fare. We went back to the hotel and enjoyed a fresh air break on the balcony. Got dressed, made some phone calls, and went to Moose Delaney’s in town to eat. Rinse, repeat, and found ourselves back into town, this time at pub on the Dock. Rewind the tape and just replay it. That was the extent of our vacation for the two days.

The point of my story and sharing about this trip wasn’t to give you details and play by play of our stay or promote the hotel. Although it is a pretty cool spot nestled in a really cool spot. It was to simply express that we were so relaxed that that a relatively uneventful two days was one of the best vacay’s I’ve had in a while. We relaxed; we spoke, experienced the town and charm, hung out with good friends and had some amazing and amazingly empty conversations.

In this life it’s about being able to breathe easy. Taking a step or a few steps back to realize how valuable and important life truly is. It’s hard to keep the topic of death off my mind with aging parents, the passing of friends approaching 40 and all the bull in the world. I don’t fear it, I’m definitely not ready for it but I believe it’s been a fixture on my mind as of late because of how much I appreciate the simple things in life, my life in particular.

The ability to just get out and explore, take in the sights sounds smells and feel of Canada or anywhere is an amazing feeling. It is so powerful and not to over preach or sound like a cult spiritualist, it’s so great to stand in the middle of nowhere and just listen to the silence, nothing but you and your thoughts.

I believe that the increased concern for mental health issues, is partly because of the breakdown of a lot of us not taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally. I’m not trying to simplify or deny that there are real mental issues and people who have them that require help. However, weekends like this I believe can make a dent in reducing a lot of our stress levels and the root cause for break downs. It now makes so much sense why certain families growing up had cottages or why my next door neighbour had that camper looking like thing parked up on his drive way. The weekend away from the city life is freaking awesome.

My point is don’t let life capture you and defeat you. Grab a friend or friends, the girl, the hubby, somebody and get down to your new undercover spot in Muskoka or wherever your vehicle takes you. Take the drive, load up the playlist, spew the randomness that consumes your mind, insert fun, live and be happy.

After all it is known that:

“A happy life consists in tranquility of mind.”


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